The Essential Supplement Coenzyme Q 10

By Natasha Carmon    
what is q10,
As you may know already taking supplements help in the overall health of your body. Fish oil is a heart healthy supplement consisting of Omega 3 fatty acids which could cut the risk of coronary artery disease. There is another supplement that is a must have in your daily intake of supplements and that is Coenzyme Q 10. It is an essential supplement to take if you have any type of heart disease such as congestive heart failure or chest pain. Make sure you discuss taking any supplement along with your medications with your doctor first before taking them.

For those who don't know what it is, it is a vitamin like substance produced by the human body needed for proper function of the organs found predominately in the heart, kidneys, pancreas, and liver. It is found in small amounts in seafood and meats.

Co Q 10, as it's commonly called, aids in treating high blood pressure possibly increasing the effects of the high blood pressure medicines you are taking already. Coenzyme Q 10 is also used to treat diabetes, Lyme disease, Parkinson's, fibromyalgia, male infertility, and chronic fatigue among other diseases. Co Q 10 helps in increasing energy which improves exercise intolerance especially if you suffer from angina (chest pain) after exercising.

Disease in the body causes a decrease of Co Q 10 and aging also. The older you are the less of it you have in the body. Smoking also deplete the natural substance. People with weakened immune systems such as HIV or cancer take the supplement to help build up the decreased levels of the Co Q 10 in the body.

It is a safe vitamin to take but with any thing you take, depending on your body, it could cause some side effects including upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea, and loss of appetite. It is even safe for children but only by the approval of a doctor. I take the supplement myself and have had no problems with it. In fact I feel better after taking it. I would strongly suggest adding the supplement to your diet every day. The amount to take is at least 100 mg daily. Start with a low dose like 50 mg and if you like how you feel increase it gradually. If you know you are deficient in Co Q 10 you can take 150 mg daily or more if you have a weak immune system.
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